For example I just can't stop gazing in adoration at my newly hung painting in my bedroom. A simple, ordinary yet extraordinary bouquet of flowers that I met at an antique store in Osakis, Minnesota. As soon as I met this fella I fell instantly in love and had to take him home with me. And I'll have him with me for the rest of my life. (The special bedspread and a little bat-itude keep me smiling, too.)
Here's something that will make a day brighter. Spring's gift to me, my tulips in my front flower bed. They don't stay around long so I had to snap a picture for memory. They will be even prettier next year.
Another gift from Mother Nature, these cute little darlings live in my back yard for a too-short time every spring. I can never have enough of them.
And since today was such a simple, yet reassuring and content day, I decided to celebrate it with a glass of sweet blush wine, given to me by a sweet guy, brought all the way from Louisiana. I enjoyed it with some olives from a bent-n-dent store in the outskirts of Minnesota and a handful of Texas nuts.
Yes. My life is simple and ordinary. But it's filled to the brim with small treasures, amazing people, a nonstop social scene, stories and adventures so exciting they can't even be created in the most colorful imagination. And everyday I am given the signs and reassurances that I'm on the right track.
Thank the Lord He led me to NoMi.