Saturday, August 7, 2010

Adventures in Eating Your Flower Garden

Grill and eat your day lily buds. You'll be super surprised at how tasty they are.  

And we all know how many orange day lilies color NoMi in abundance. 

Here's the back story. A few weeks ago, while checking on a piece of his real estate out in an affluent suburb of St. Paul, a friend had an enthusiastic idea to grab some day lily buds and grill them up with that night's summer dinner. After seeing my friend consume almost anything and everything, from bugs to exotic drinks, this suggestion didn't phase me in the least bit. I just didn't realize at the time how tasty they would end up being.

This post had been in the hopper for a while and didn't get up in a timely manner, at least not with synchronized timing of the day lily buds. Some unopened day lily buds might still be out there somewhere; look for more shady spots and they might be a little behind the rest.

Yes, that is the Mugshots paper that we had to spontaneously use to collect the buds. 

Mix 'em up with your favorite seasoning salt and a little butter. I imagine olive oil would work well also. 

Wrap 'em in foil and prepare for the grill. 

I grilled mine out of direct heat for about 10 or 15 minutes. Use your judgement on how hot your grill is. Eat and enjoy. They tasted a lot like grilled asparagus.

Another northside friend blogged about a different garden culinary adventure here.

And just for fun, here's a few other pictures of the bizarre food adventures I am exposed to by virtue of having a bizarre foods nut for a boyfriend.

Instant Jellyfish. Mmmmmm. (sarcasm font)

I guess some of these used to stay around for centuries. 

This preserved duck egg was quite tasty. Don't be timid about trying it. 

Something with legs and antennas. 

Okay, that's enough of that. This could be an endless photo journal of bizarre foods, but the day is waiting. 

1 comment:

  1. We copied your idea and grilled up some daylily buds a few nights ago. Tasty and so easy, wow! I would have never thought of such a thing.
